Embrace Comfort and Sustainability: Our Soft Knitted 100% Organic Cotton Fabric

Embrace Comfort and Sustainability: Our Soft Knitted 100% Organic Cotton Fabric

It's undeniable that knitted fabric holds a special place in the realm of fashion for its unparalleled comfort, versatility, and sustainability. Beyond its tactile allure lies a deeper significance. At beautylika, we believe knitted clothing items aren't merely a fashion statement; they're a wardrobe essential, especially when made from GOTS-certified 100% organic cotton fabric.
5 Tips for Managing Dyshidrotic Eczema with 100% Organic Cotton Clothing

5 Tips for Managing Dyshidrotic Eczema with 100% Organic Cotton Clothing

It is crucial to understand that roughly half of people with dyshidrotic eczema also have contact dermatitis or atopic dermatitis. Dyshidrotic eczema is not contagious, so it cannot be passed from one person to another by coming into contact with them. How does one, however, manage its symptoms?

5 Common Skin Conditions in the Elderly

5 Common Skin Conditions in the Elderly

Addressing common skin conditions is becoming more crucial as the elderly population rises in order to maintain their general health and well-being. Although wearing organic cotton clothing cannot treat these conditions on its own, it can significantly reduce symptoms and stop further symptom aggravation. Here are the 5 skin conditions that commonly affect elderly adults.

From Irritation to Serenity: How Our 100% Organic Cotton Sleepwear Combats Sleep Deprivation

From Irritation to Serenity: How Our 100% Organic Cotton Sleepwear Combats Sleep Deprivation

A restful night's sleep depends on a number of factors, such as your sleeping environment, bedtime routine, stress levels, and other sleep hygiene practices. Yet nothing creates a more conducive sleeping environment than choosing the right sleepwear. Good thing our allergy-free organic cotton sleepwear products make sure you feel as good as you look.
5 Ways to Combat Sleep Deprivation When You Have Skin Allergies

5 Ways to Combat Sleep Deprivation When You Have Skin Allergies

Aside from the intense itching and the uncontrollable toss and turn, poor sleep can also have significant effects on individuals with skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, exacerbating their symptoms and impacting their overall well-being.

Embracing Allergy-Free Comfort: How Our Organic Cotton Socks Redefined Comfort in the Workplace

Embracing Allergy-Free Comfort: How Our Organic Cotton Socks Redefined Comfort in the Workplace

The advantages of wearing socks made of only 100% organic cotton for people with skin allergies and sensitivities are not only limited to cold weather. In hot environments, they also aid in controlling perspiration, lessen the possibility of irritation, and preserve foot comfort.
Because Dads Deserve Healthy Skin Too!

Because Dads Deserve Healthy Skin Too!

Dads are known for their brand loyalty, so even if they haven't been introduced to sustainable menswear yet, they still stand a good chance of buying sustainably-made clothes if the garments you give them are well-made, stylish, and comfortable—just like beautylika.
5 Simple Tips to Avoid Colophony in Clothing

5 Simple Tips to Avoid Colophony in Clothing

Any material used in your clothing, no matter how small, has the potential to ruin your comfort—just like colophony. To reduce the risk of exposure to colophony in clothing, follow these 5 helpful tips.
Relieve the Itch: Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Postpartum Hives

Relieve the Itch: Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Postpartum Hives

As a result of the hormone rollercoaster that follows childbirth, moms, who are so frequently focused on caring for their new bundles of joy, sometimes overlook their health, including their skin. Here's everything you need to know about postpartum hives and how to alleviate them.
Should I Be Worried About My Non-Iron, Wrinkle-Free Shirts?

Should I Be Worried About My Non-Iron, Wrinkle-Free Shirts?

While people with skin conditions frequently attribute their flare-ups to their laundry detergent, it's crucial to remember that their wrinkle-free, non-iron clothes, which are often finished with formaldehyde, may actually be to blame.


Although the holiday serves as a reminder to cherish one another and express love to those we care about through gifts and actions both large and small, we need to remind ourselves to spread love rather than allergy-inducing triggers.

5 Reasons Why You Need Knitted Organic Cotton Pieces in Your Wardrobe

5 Reasons Why You Need Knitted Organic Cotton Pieces in Your Wardrobe

These three knitted organic cotton items have come to represent comfort in our vocabulary because they offer warmth without sticking to the skin, itch-free protection against allergy triggers, and comfort whenever an allergic reaction flares up.